Greenext offers its customers in the domestic and international markets natural and herbal standardized raw materials successfully passed the quality and certification process for different sectors. Greenext works for the success of all stakeholders in the ecosystem and provides an end-to-end sustainable chain of success. Greenext calls this chain of success SUCCESS CHAIN. The foundation of the Success Chain is sustainable success. Long- term strong relationships are created between stakeholders. It focuses on the collective success of the chain, not the success of individual stakeholders. It provides end-to-end adaptation and knowledge transfer.
Greenext is committed to providing high-performance natural active ingredients while keeping its carbon footprint as low as possible. It aims to maintain long-term strong relationships with its stakeholders. It wants to optimize and perfect the success chain it has established over the years. With its innovations, it responds to the needs of its national and international customers in the most correct way. To create the SUCCESS CHAIN ecosystem on which the sun never sets in the category of organic and natural herbal extracts in 2030... This is our vision.
There is only one Earth to live on. We are grateful for what nature has generously offered us, and it is our greatest duty to protect it. As an ethically conscious company, we are committed to keeping our potential environmental impact to a minimum level. Investing in biotechnology and creating sustainable resources are central to our commitment to respecting nature. Adhering to our values, making the power of plants the source of sustainable success of SUCCESS CHAIN stakeholders... This is our mission.
Sample Request Form
Fill out the form to request a plant extract sample from Greenext laboratories. We will contact you as soon as possible.