Aloe vera is a succulent plant from the Lily family, native to arid regions. Its thick and fleshy leaves are an indication of the plant's ability to store water. The leaves are covered with spiny projections on the margins and contain a transparent, gel-like pulp. This is the part of the plant that contains the valuable components.
Cosmetics Moisturisers, sunscreens, shampoos, conditioners, soaps, face masks, Moisturising and soothing skin and hair, reducing irritation, relieves sunburn, healing, protection
Food Supplements Supplements, functional foods, Supporting the immune system, improving digestion, provide antioxidants
Beverage Flavor Aloe vera juice, fruit juices, smoothies, Providing hydration, digestion to help strengthen the immune system
Herbal Medicine Capsules, gels, creams, Relieving digestive problems, Skin relaxation, healing
Cleaning Soaps, detergents, surface cleaners, Cleaning and cleaning due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties ensure hygiene
Active Ingredients Polysaccharides (such as Acemannan), vitamins (A, C, E), minerals (zinc, selenium), amino acids, salicylic acid, enzymes, Aloin, barbaloin, Saponins, antimicrobial and antifungal components,

Aloe vera is a succulent plant from the Lily family, native to arid regions. Its thick and fleshy leaves are an indication of the plant's ability to store water. The leaves are covered with spiny projections on the margins and contain a transparent, gel-like pulp. This is the part of the plant that contains the valuable components.

  Aloe Vera can usually reach a height of 60 to 100 cm. The leaves are arranged in a rosette and colours range from green to bluish green. Some species have white spots on the leaves can be found. When in bloom, it produces yellow or orange flowers on a long stem. The root system is another feature that shows the adaptation of the plant to arid environments. Roots are attached to the surface spreads closely and absorbs water efficiently. Aloe vera likes sunlight and well-drained grows in soils. It is intolerant to cold, so it can be grown in warm climates or indoors cultivation is preferred.

  Its multiplication can be easily achieved by separating baby shoots that emerge from the base of the mother plant. Aloe vera is a popular ornamental and medicinal plant with easy care and a variety of uses.


Major Active Ingredients and Proportions

Polysaccharides (0.5-1.5%): Known for their moisturising and soothing properties.

Amino acids (0.1-0.5%): Effective in skin regeneration and repair.

Vitamins (A, C, E, B12): Provides antioxidant effects.

Minerals (0.1-0.25%): Minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium support skin health.

Enzymes (0.01-0.1%): Enzymes such as bradykinase and aliinase fight inflammation and remove dead skin cells.


Other Important Molecules:

Aloin and barbaloin (0.5-1.5%): Known for their laxative properties and healing effects on the skin.

Aloe emodin (0.1-0.5%): It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial activities. Acetylmethane (0.02-0.05%): It functions as an immune system supporter.

Extracts prepared from the leaves have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and moisturising activities. Each of these components supports the benefits of Aloe Vera on skin and health, and these effects diversify its uses.

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