Avocados are classified as evergreen, but some varieties lose their leaves for a short time before flowering.
Cosmetics Skin cream, moisturiser
Food Supplements Flavour
Beverage Flavor Drops,
Herbal Medicine Lowering cholesterol, strengthening the immune system, eye health, bone health
Cleaning Softener, fragrance, shampoo, soap
Active Ingredients Peonidin 3-O-pentoside, Avenasterol, Palmitic asit, Stearik asit

P. americana is a tree of medium to large size, 9-20 m in height. Avocados are classified as evergreen, but some varieties lose their leaves for a short time before flowering. Tree vegetation ranges from low, dense and symmetrical to erect and asymmetrical.

Leaves are 7-41 cm long and variable in shape (elliptic, ovate and lanceolate). Flowers are yellowish green, 1-1.3 cm in diameter. The fruit is a berry consisting of a single large seed surrounded by a buttery pulp. It contains 3-30 per cent fat. Avocado fruits, also called alligator pears, are spherical, oval, elliptical, elliptical or pear-shaped plum-like fruits of green, red or red-brown colour. The flesh is creamy yellow or whitish. It is cultivated in regions with tropical climates as well as in subtropical climates and in various regions with Mediterranean climate, provided that there is not much frost. It is rich in essential nutrients such as different fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and other phytochemicals, and the bioactive compounds in the structure of avocado are important for health benefits such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic and antihypertensive.


Other compounds: Peonidin 3-O-pentoside, Avenasterol, Palmitic asit, Stearik asit

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