It is most commonly cultivated for its fruits, known as black pepper, which are usually dried and powdered and used as a spice and food flavouring.
Cosmetics Shampoo, conditioner, serum, fragrance, masking agent
Food Supplements Powder, tablets, flavours, lozenges
Beverage Flavor Flavour, tea
Herbal Medicine Treatment of cough, colds, shortness of breath, throat diseases, periodic fever, dysentery, abdominal pain, worms and haemorrhoids
Cleaning Soap, air freshener, detergent, scented stone
Active Ingredients β-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, α-copaene, cadina-1,(10)-4-diene, (n)-trans-nerolidol, 4-epi cubedol β-linalool

It is a perennial flowering, woody perennial plant known as black pepper, growing to about 8-10 m tall and widely distributed in East Asia. It is most commonly cultivated for its fruits, known as black pepper, which are usually dried and powdered and used as a spice and food flavouring.

It is an important healthy food due to its antioxidant, antimicrobial potential and stomach protective modules. Black pepper, which contains piperine as an active substance, has a rich phytochemistry including essential oil, oleoresins and alkaloids. Black pepper fruits contains essential oil between 1-5%. The main component of the essential oil is trans-caryophyllene (30.33%). This is followed by limonene (12.12%), β-pinene (24.42%), δ3-carene (19.72%), limonene (18.73%) and α-pinene (10.39%).


Diğer Moleküller: β-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, α-copaene, cadina-1,(10)-4-diene, (n)-trans-nerolidol, 4-epi cubedol β-linalool

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