It is a perennial flowering, woody perennial plant known as black pepper, growing to about 8-10 m tall and widely distributed in East Asia. It is most commonly cultivated for its fruits, known as black pepper, which are usually dried and powdered and used as a spice and food flavouring.
It is an important healthy food due to its antioxidant, antimicrobial potential and stomach protective modules. Black pepper, which contains piperine as an active substance, has a rich phytochemistry including essential oil, oleoresins and alkaloids. Black pepper fruits contains essential oil between 1-5%. The main component of the essential oil is trans-caryophyllene (30.33%). This is followed by limonene (12.12%), β-pinene (24.42%), δ3-carene (19.72%), limonene (18.73%) and α-pinene (10.39%).
Diğer Moleküller: β-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, α-copaene, cadina-1,(10)-4-diene, (n)-trans-nerolidol, 4-epi cubedol β-linalool