Nettle hydrosol is a product obtained from the leaves and flowers of nettle (Urtica dioica) from the Urticaceae family.
Cosmetics Face spray, Cleansing, toning the skin, tightening pores, balancing oily skin,
Cosmetics Hair spray, promoting hair growth, Nourishing the scalp, reducing dandruff, stimulating hair growth, strengthening the hair
Cosmetics Mask, Moisturising the skin, tightening pores, balancing oily skin, helping acne and acne treatment
Food Supplements Tea, Regulate the digestive system, strengthen the immune system, increase iron absorption,
Beverage Flavor fruit juice, Adding flavour, protecting the body with antioxidant effect, supporting digestion
Herbal Medicine Cream, Reducing skin irritations, helping in skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis, preventing inflammation with antiseptic properties,
Herbal Medicine Hair care oil, Nourishing the scalp, reducing dandruff, stimulating hair growth, strengthening the hair,
Herbal Medicine Medicines, To reduce skin irritations, to help in skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis, for diuretic, anti-inflammatory and painkiller effects
Herbal Medicine Supplements, To support hair and skin health, stimulate hair growth, reduce dandruff and balance skin tone
Cleaning House cleaning, Cleaning surfaces, use as a natural disinfectant
Active Ingredients Flavonoids, tannins, chlorophyll (in low amounts), essential oils, silicon

It is a perennial plant belonging to the Urticaceae family. It grows to about 1-2 metres in height and is known for its heart-shaped leaves with toothed margins and small greenish flowers. Common Nettle is covered with small hairs that cause burning and itching of the skin when touched. These hairs contain chemicals such as histamine and formic acid. It is widespread in moist and nutrient-rich soils, especially along roadsides and in forested areas. The plant flowers in spring and seeds are formed in late summer and early autumn. It sheds its leaves in winter and only dry branches remain. In spring, it blooms again, leaves and turns green. The effect of the hairs in the plant, which irritate the skin, is destroyed by boiling or scalding. For this reason, this plant, which is rich in iron, is used in nutrition.

Major Active Ingredients and Proportions

  • Flavonoids: They are found between 0.5-1.5%. They show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and skin health supportive properties.
  • Grains: They are found between 1-2%. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and asthrengenic properties. They help to tighten the skin, reduce blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Other Important Molecules

  • Chlorophyll: It is found between 0,1-0,5%. It shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.
  • Essential oils: 0,01-0,1%. Antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Silicone: It is contained between 0,05-0,2%. It is thought to support hair growth.
Sample Request Form
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