Fennel Seed Hydrosol (Foeniculum vulgare seed hydrosol) is obtained from a plant belonging to the family Apiaceae (Parsley family) and this hydrosol is obtained by distillation, especially from the seeds of the plant.
Cosmetics Face spray: To cleanse and tone the skin, tighten pores, balance oily skin, help treat acne and pimples / Toner: To cleanse and moisturize the skin, tighten pores, reduce redness and irritation / Mask: To moisturize and soothe the skin, balance skin tone, help treat acne and pimples / Hairspray: Soothe scalp, reduce dandruff, strengthen hair
Beverage Flavor Tea: Support the digestive system, reduce bloating, relieve gas, stimulate appetite / Fruit juice: Add flavor, support digestion
Food Supplements Tea: Support the digestive system, reduce bloating, relieve gas, stimulate appetite / Fruit juice: Add flavor, support digestion
Herbal Medicine Cough syrup: Reduce cough, expectorant effect / Cream: Reduce skin irritations, prevent inflammation with antiseptic properties
Cleaning House cleaning, Using it as a natural disinfectant
Active Ingredients Anethol, fenkon, estragole, limonene (in low amounts), essential oils, flavonoids

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is an aromatic annual plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. It typically grows to a height of 1-2 meters and has a slender, smooth, and upright stem. The leaves are thread-like, divided, and hairless, giving the plant a delicate appearance. Its flowers are yellow and grouped in small, umbrella-like clusters. Fennel naturally thrives in warm and sunny Mediterranean climates but has been widely cultivated around the world. The seeds are commonly used as a spice in culinary applications, as well as in herbal teas and medicinal preparations. Additionally, they are known for their digestive support and carminative properties, holding a significant place in both traditional and modern medicine.

The most distinctive feature of the fennel plant is its sweet, anise-like aromatic scent, which is concentrated in the seeds. The seeds are small, oval, and greenish-brown, becoming richer in aromatic oils as they mature. Ripe fennel seeds contain 2-4% essential oil and 10-20% fixed oil. 


Major Active Ingredients and Proportions

Fennel Seed Hydrosol is an aromatic water obtained by steam distillation from the seeds of the Foeniculum vulgare plant. This hydrosol is known for its digestive support, soothing and revitalizing properties in skin care.


Ingredients and Active Ingredients:

  • Anethole (50-70%): Anethole, the main component of fennel seed, is highly present in the hydrosol and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • Fenchone (5-15%): This compound is present in lower levels in the hydrosol and is known for its digestive support.
  • Estragole (2-6%): Known for its slightly sweet aroma, estragole supports the soothing properties of the hydrosol.
  • Limonene (1-4%): With a refreshing and invigorating effect, limonene is present in small amounts in the hydrosol.

Other Molecules:

  • α-Pinene (0.5-2%): A terpene known for its antioxidant properties.
  • Myrcene (0.2-1%): A terpene with anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
  • Camphene (0.1-0.5%): A component known for its antimicrobial effects.
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