The Immortal Flower : The Unique Plant That Lives Its Name

10 Sep 2024
The Immortal Flower : The Unique Plant That Lives Its Name

Nature continues to surprise us with its countless beauties and secrets. One of these beauties is the "Immortal Flower" or Helichrysum, which takes its name from its durability. Helichrysum species are known in Europe under the name "immortal, everlasting".  The immortal flower symbolises longevity, resurrection, eternity and immortality (as the name means).  The immortelle is one of the rare plants that retains its vivid colour and shape even after drying out.

During the flowering season, the yellow flowers shine in the summer sun and appear almost golden yellow in colour.


Why and how does this plant not die?

Origin and Characteristics of the Immortal Flower

The immortelle is particularly widespread in the Mediterranean region. They usually bloom in shades of yellow, white and pink. These plants retain their colour and form for a long time after flowering. The best-known species of immortelle flowers include Helichrysum arenarium and Helichrysum italicum.


The Secret of Durability: Cell Structure and Chemical Components

The secret behind the durability of immortelle flowers hides in their cell structure and the chemical components they contain. Thanks to their high levels of antioxidants and essential oils, these plants can remain intact for a long time. In particular, the chitin-like compounds in the stems, flavonoids, phenolic acids and other compounds in the tissues of the plants prevent cell damage by reducing oxidative stress.

Flavonoids: These compounds are responsible for colour formation in plants and also have strong antioxidant properties.

Phenolic Acids: These compounds strengthen the plant's defence mechanism and protect cell structures.

Essential Oils: Especially the species Helichrysum italicum contains essential oils with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.


Drying and Storage

Another interesting feature of immortelle flowers is that they retain their vivid colour even when dried. This feature has also popularised the use of flowers for decoration. The drying process is usually done as follows:

Harvesting: The flowers are picked when they are in full bloom.

Drying: The flowers are hung upside down and dried in an airy and dry place.

Storage: Dried flowers can be preserved for a long time by storing them away from moisture.


Medical and Aromatherapy Uses

Immortelle flowers have not only aesthetic, but also medicinal and aromatherapy uses. Helichrysum italicum in particular is frequently used in skin care products. The oil of this plant promotes skin regeneration, heals wounds and reduces inflammation.

Skin Care: It is frequently used in anti-aging creams and serums.

Aromatherapy: It is preferred in aromatherapy due to its stress-reducing and relaxing effects.

Medical Use: It is used in various ointments and balms with its anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.


As a plant that deserves its name, the immortelle is just one of the wonders that nature offers us. Thanks to its cell structure and chemical components, this plant, which maintains its durability for a long time, provides many benefits both decorative and medicinal. This miracle of nature always manages to be eye-catching with its vibrant colours and long life.

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