Laurel plant is an evergreen, perennial tree with evergreen leaves. Some types are single-stemmed in tree form, some forms are multi-stemmed in shrub form.
Cosmetics Perfume, cream, moisturiser, eyebrow eyelash care oil
Food Supplements Spice, flavouring
Beverage Flavor Tea
Herbal Medicine In the treatment of Rheumatism, neuralgia and scabies, antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids are used in many food sources, lowering cholesterol and uric acid levels
Cleaning Solid/liquid soap, Air freshener
Active Ingredients 1,8-cineole (45.01%), α-caryophyllene (7.54%), germacradienol (6.13%), limonene (4.69%), α-pinene (3.04%) and germacrene D (3.14%)

Laurel plant is an evergreen, perennial tree with evergreen leaves. Some types are single-stemmed in tree form, some forms are multi-stemmed in shrub form. Leaves and fruits are strongly odoured. It can be harvested for leaves in every season. Male and female flowers are located on separate plants. Flowering occurs in spring and fruit ripening in autumn. It is distributed in forested areas and especially in the northern aspects.

It contains between 1-1,5% essential oil and 40-60% 1,8-cineole in the oil. Essential oil (EO) prepared from the leaves has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.


Other compounds: 1,8-sineol (%45,01), α-karyofillen (%7,54), germakradienol (%6,13), limonen (%4,69), α-pinen (%3,04) ve germakren D (%3,14)

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