Rose Agriculture in Turkey

Rose Agriculture in Turkey



  There are 24 Rosa species growing in the flora of Turkey and the Eastern Aegean Islands.

  Rose production in Turkey is one of our precious values dating back to ancient times. The history of rose production in Anatolia is based on the production of roses for medicinal, food, dye and aromatic purposes as well as their landscape value.

 Isparta rose, which is the most important production source of Isparta economy, differs from many rose varieties in the world with its odour and various properties. Products obtained from Isparta rose are exported to many countries as final products and raw materials.

  In addition to the production of roses as raw material, Isparta is also the most important rose oil producer of the world's leading perfume and cosmetics producers. The name of Isparta roses, which are exported to different parts of the world and used in many fields, has entered the literature with the name "Isparta Rose" and has been branded.

  Rose flowers, rose waters and rose oils produced in Turkey are used in the fields of food, beauty, treatment, care and ornamentation due to their spiritual, psychological and physical effects. Roses are commonly used in baby food or in digestive and anti-diarrhoea recipes for adults.


The History of Roses

  Although the homeland of the Rose is known as Central Asia, it has a wide distribution area in the world. It has been used medicinally by different civilisations for about 5000 years. For this reason, roses are important for human history. From past to present, people in the world have grown roses for different purposes.

Fossil records show that Rosa rose species have existed on the planet for 40 million years.

Rose flowers, which protect their religious and mystical value today, are of great importance in Muslim traditions. The rose flower is also seen as a symbol of the Prophet Muhammad, whose sweat smells of roses, and is used in religious rituals.


How to Grow Roses?

  Rose care is quite easy when the necessary conditions are provided. It is inevitable that the rose saplings you will grow in fertile soils with high drainage and plenty of sunshine will have healthy and impressive flowers.

Planting and regular pruning of your rose seedlings play a major role in the healthy development of your roses.

In rose cultivation; irrigation scheme, fertilisation scheme and soil change of your roses are a must for a healthy rose care.

Pruning your roses regularly allows you to get healthier looking flowers. With double pruning shears and pruning gloves, you can prune the weak, dried leaves and branches of your rose bush.


Distillation and Extraction of Rose Flowers

  Rose water and rose oil produced by distillation and extraction of rose flowers are among the most important raw materials for cosmetics, perfume and food industries.

Isparta rose flower; Rosa Damascena Mill, which is used for oil production, is the most important type of fragrant rose used for cosmetics and perfume industry with its unique odour.

Oil roses, which have a very high commercial value, are produced, distilled and extracted in many countries, especially in Turkey, Bulgaria, Iran, India and Morocco.

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