Valerian is known for its strong and characteristic odour. This odour is due to the essential oils found in the roots and rhizomes of the plant. Essential oils are the main components that give the plant its distinctive odour and medicinal properties.
Cosmetics Calming skin care products, Skin soothing, Redness remover
Food Supplements Dietary supplements, sleep promoting foods, Sleep quality increase
Beverage Flavor Herbal teas, relaxing drinks, Relaxing, sleep supportive, reduce stress
Herbal Medicine Sleep aids, tranquillisers, Soothing, supportive against sleep problems, anti-anxiety
Active Ingredients Valerenic acid, valepotriates, essential oils (borneol, camphene)

Major Active Ingredients and Proportions

The Valerian plant is rich in essential oils, especially in its roots and rhizomes, which The oils can make up 0.5-2% of the dry weight of the plant. Among these essential oils, 25-50% is valerenic acid and this compound is responsible for the calming and anti-anxiety effect of valerian.

In addition, essential oils also contain 10-30% valepotriates and these compounds are may contribute to the sedative effect of the plant. Other important essential oil constituents include borneol (5-15%), camphene (5-15%) and pinenes (10-20%).


Other Molecules: Alkaloids (actinoidin, valerianin), flavonoids (hesperidin, linarin), lignans, sugars, organic acids.

Valerian has been used for various medicinal purposes throughout history. Especially as a sedative, sleep is known for its supportive and anti-anxiety effects. The roots and rhizomes of the plant are used in traditional medicine and modern herbal practices in the form of teas, tinctures or capsules.

However, the use of Valerian may cause side effects in some people. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist before using it for any medicinal purpose.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the valerian family. It is usually

It prefers to grow in wetlands such as damp meadows, forest edges and stream beds. Reaching 60 to 150 cm in height, valerian has straight and hollow stems. The stem surface is hairy and the plant

increases its endurance. The leaves of valerian are quite characteristic.

The feathery and segmented leaves are arranged opposite each other. The colour of the leaves is dark green and the edges are toothed. This hairy and segmented leaf structure helps the plant to reduce moisture loss and use sunlight more efficiently.

The most remarkable feature of the plant is its small, fragrant flowers, which are pink or white in colour.

The flowers bloom in umbrella-shaped clusters in summer and add a visual richness to the plant.

These fragrant flowers attract bees and other pollinators and increase the reproductive success of the plant.

Valerian is known for its strong and characteristic odour. This odour is due to the essential oils found in the roots and rhizomes of the plant. Essential oils are the main components that give the plant its distinctive odour and medicinal properties.

This odour is pleasant for some people, but unpleasant for others.

may be. The root system is highly developed and consists of rhizomes spreading horizontally under the soil.

 The rhizomes are the plant's nutrient storage and vegetative reproduction organs. Thanks to this, valerian is resistant to harsh conditions and can spread easily.

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