What is Allantoin, and What are its Uses?

What is allantoin? And what are its uses_
23 Dec 2021
What is Allantoin, and What are its Uses?

Allantoin is a chemical compound with the formula C4H6N4O3, and it is the end product of purine metabolism. Allantoin is a significant metabolic intermediate in humans, animals, plants, and bacteria. Its other names are 5-Ureidohydantoin and Glyoxyldiureide. Its molar mass is 158.121 g/mol. Allantoin can dissolve into water and alcohol. It has a density of 1.45 g/cm³. Its melting point is 230°C. 

Allantoin contains a high amount of urea. It is known to occur in the urine of humans, plants, and some animals. Apart from that, allantoin is also present in snails. There are different methods to obtain allantoin.  It is obtained naturally and synthetically. Allantoin is preferred synthetically, and it's hard to obtain naturally. The primary plants that contain allantoin are aloe vera, lotus, daisy, and comfrey (Symphytum officinale).

The Discovery of Allantoin 

Allantoin, which is included in chemical compounds, was discovered in the early 20th century. Its usage goes back to China and Ancient Egypt. It is known that the plants containing allantoin were used in the healthcare and cosmetic field in these civilizations. Allantoin is among the substances that attract attention with its odorless structure. This substance with no observed harm is also antiallergic. Thanks to these features, it is used in many areas in the health sector with its discovery. The fact that allantoin doesn't have a known side effect is another factor that makes the use of allantoin widespread.

Usage Areas of Allantoin

Allantoin containing a high amount of urea is primarily used in the field of cosmetics and the health sector. It is also known for its antioxidant content.  It is frequently preferred in cosmetics for the soft structure of the skin and the regeneration of skin cells. It is mostly used in the health sector for faster healing of wounds. Allantoin is frequently preferred in skincare products for moisturizing the skin and removing dead cells in the cosmetic field. Allantoin is used in cosmetic products such as skin cleansing tonic, skincare creams.

It is also known that plants containing allantoin have been used in the health sector for centuries. It is preferred to minimize tissue damage and renewal of the skin texture. Apart from that, allantoin is also known to maximize the water holding capacity because of its keratolytic form. Allantoin, which is an anti-inflammatory component, has a non-toxic structure. Allantoin also plays a significant role in the regeneration phase of the skin. It also helps to soften the cells that take place on the upper layer of the skin. The skin, which gains a soft structure, becomes smoother. Allantoin that removes the dead cells, helps the lower layers of the skin to easily absorb the moisture. This also supports the reduction of a wrinkled appearance.

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