What is Hydrosol?

07 Sep 2024
What is Hydrosol?

Hydrosol are water-based solutions obtained during the distillation of plants. During the distillation process, the plant material is heated with steam and the evaporated components are condensed. Two main products are obtained in this process: essential oils and hydrosol. The hydrosol is the aqueous solution collected alongside the essential oil and contains the aromatic and therapeutic constituents of the plant that mix with water. For this reason, hydrosols are often also referred to as "plant waters" or "flower waters".


Hydrosol Production

The most widely used method for obtaining hydrosol is the process of herbal distillation. This process involves the extraction of the essential oils of plants while simultaneously producing hydrosol. During the distillation process the plant material is heated with water or water steam. The steam passes through the cell walls of the plant, releasing the volatile components and condensing into a liquid. This liquid contains both essential oils and hydrosols. At the end of the distillation process, this liquid, which is divided into two phases, contains essential oil in the upper part and hydrosol in the lower part.


Chemical Structure of Hydrosols

Hydrosols, unlike essential oils, are water-based and therefore usually have a milder and more delicate flavour. They contain aromatic and therapeutic components of plants that mix with water. These include alcohol, acids, esters and other water-soluble substances. Hydrosols contain lower concentrations of active ingredients than essential oils and are therefore suitable for use on more delicate and sensitive skin.


Usage Areas of Hydrosols

Hydrosols are natural products with a wide range of uses. They are widely used in cosmetics and skin care as tonics, cleansers and moisturisers, offering soothing and anti-inflammatory properties for sensitive skin. In aromatherapy, they are preferred to provide relaxing and therapeutic effects due to their mild and natural aromas. In household cleaning, they can be used as fragrant and natural disinfectants. Furthermore, some hydrosols can also be used as natural flavourings in dishes and beverages. These versatile solutions have an important place in both health and daily life due to their naturalness and versatile uses.


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