Rosahip has been used world-wide for many years for its high antioxidant potential as well as a source of vitamins, food supplements and food.
Cosmetics Night cream, shampoo, deodorant, cosmetics, face masks,
Food Supplements Lozenges, sachets, capsules, dietary supplements
Beverage Flavor Juice syrup, tea, jam, pies, pestil and wine
Pet Health, Food, Cosmetics Cat and dog food
Herbal Medicine Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, gout, sciatica, haemorrhoids, flu, colds, bile, gallstones, kidney and lower urinary tract disorders as syrup, Used as a cream and extract for eczema and skin diseases
Cleaning Linoleik asit, alfa-linolenik, asit oleik asit, palmitik asit ve stearik asit
Active Ingredients Linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid

Rosehip plant is a perennial shrub-shaped and thorny plant from the Rosaceae family. The fruits, which are formed immediately after flowering, are orange, red and even black in some types. The fruits ripen in autumn and contain hard-shelled seeds. Inside the fruit there are feathers covering the seed home completely.

Rosahip has been used world-wide for many years for its high antioxidant potential as well as a source of vitamins, food supplements and food. It contains several vitamins, especially vitamin C (between 1-2 per cent), and other valuable compounds such as polyphenols, carotenoids, carbohydrates and fatty acids.


Other compounds:  Linoleik asit, alfa-linolenik, asit oleik asit, palmitik asit ve stearik asit

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